the benefit of gua sha routine that can promote health and radiance from within

Originally published: MAY 7, 2019

Even as I write this title, spell check keeps changing GUA SHA to “The She” lol, and that pretty much wraps up how new these facial tools are to us in the West.  Below, I’ll break down the ancient ritual of Gua sha - how it can promote health and radiance from within. This is a beautiful tool that has been used for hundreds of years in traditional ancient Chinese medicine to promote healing throughout the body. Self-care is a focal point of Chinese medicine, where it is known as Yang Sheng (nourishing life). How beautiful! 

When done on a regular basis (1 to 3 minutes a day), the skincare results are quite amazing and long-lasting. The beauty of it? You do not need to pay big bucks for a therapist to do it for you. You can easily learn the method and practice in the comfort of your own home. It’s like taking your face to the gym! Work it out girl!

I personally fell in love with this routine and do it nightly. It feels AMAZING on your neck. You may not get any further than that lol…

But Nicole, what does it do?

  • stagnant energy is broken down
  • reduces inflammation
  • increases blood flow
  • stimulates the lymphatic system to promote healing in the body
  • reduces wrinkles
  • rejuvenates, tones, and smoothes skin
  • boosts collagen production
  • combats pigmentation
  • decreases dark circles and puffy eyes
  • sinus decongestion
  • more defined facial bone structure

How to:

After cleansing, apply facial oil and gua sha away! The oil helps the tool glide, and the tool helps the oil penetrate deeper than it normally would.

Don’t be confused or overwhelmed by all of the different gua sha types, choose one that you like and make sure it’s not plastic (should be real jade or another stone).

Remember, like anything, the key to results is consistency + frequency. Check out the Lunah Gua Sha here for more info.

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