How to protect your hair from the salt, sun, and chlorine during the warmer months

Just like changing seasons call for different wardrobes, it also calls for different skin and hair care treatment. During the warmer months, it is important to update your hair care routine as much as your skincare routine.

We often talk about skincare, but hair care is just as important. We all want nice, healthy,  manageable hair. Warmer months often bring more humidity, causing everyone to think that their hair needs less moisture. This is not always the case due to most of the spring and summer activities like the beach, pool, and sun. If you live in a climate that has more then one season, you know what I mean.

Salt, chlorine, and heat can cause your hair to dry out more quickly. Pair those three with the lovely frizz we can experience from the humidity, can leave your hair feeling and looking like- “what the heck!?” Your summer hair care routine needs more moisturizer and protection, but you will find taking a few extra steps during the week can help support your lovely locks.

  • Hydrate dry ends often with a light oil, like our triple threat, or an oil made for hair conditioning. 
  • Treat pool hair with a deep oil treatment before you shampoo or 1x week. Let it sit in while you do the dishes.
  • Do a jade comb routine to stimulate scalp and hair growth.
  • Apply an ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) hair rinse before shampoo if you've been at the beach all day. This helps to really clean up the scalp- you’ve honestly never felt such a clean feeling afterwards!
  • Do your final conditioner rinse under ice cold water to keep frizz and dandruff down. (Total Game Changer!)
  • Wash hair less often, if possible. 
  • Limit heat tools.
  • Add a few drops of serum before bed or even before heading out.
  • Sleep with a braid in, to limit frizz, sweaty night time hair, and keep it super manageable
  • Wear a hat during the day to limit too much heat + sun exposure.
  • Limit high ponies and tight elastics, opt more for cute head bands, bandanas, or french braids.
  • Use a dry shampoo in between washes to make the washes last longer:)

My current fav shampoo brands are the Unscented Company shampoo, Carina Organics, and not as clean as the others but very budget friendly- Live Clean. I love all these for my hair! If you want to target hair growth, the derma roller works amazing as well. We also have a few reels on how to emphasize your natural hair colour, and encourage hair growth! Let me know below your summer hair tips or questions!

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