Sleepless nights, anxious children, growing pains, Hyperactive Behaviors + Magnesium

Topical magnesium refers to the application of magnesium-based products directly onto the skin, allowing for absorption through the skin barrier. Check out ours here. While both topical and internal (oral) magnesium supplements can effectively increase magnesium levels in the body, there are some potential reasons why topical magnesium might offer certain advantages:

  1. Direct Absorption: Topical application allows magnesium to bypass the digestive system and be absorbed directly through the skin into the bloodstream. This can be particularly beneficial for individuals who have digestive issues or difficulty absorbing nutrients orally.

  2. Localized Effects: Topical magnesium can be applied directly to specific areas of the body, providing localized relief for muscle cramps, tension, and soreness. This targeted application may offer more immediate relief compared to oral supplements, which must first be absorbed into the bloodstream and distributed throughout the body.

  3. Reduced Gastrointestinal Side Effects: Some people experience gastrointestinal discomfort, such as diarrhea or upset stomach, when taking oral magnesium supplements, especially in high doses. Topical magnesium may bypass these side effects since it doesn't enter the digestive system.

  4. Skin Health Benefits: In addition to its role in muscle function and relaxation, magnesium is also important for maintaining healthy skin. Applying magnesium topically may provide benefits for skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, as well as promoting overall skin health.

  5. Convenience and Ease of Use: Topical magnesium products are often available in the form of creams, oils, or sprays that can be easily applied to the skin. This convenience may make it easier for individuals to incorporate magnesium supplementation into their daily routine.

I think this is one of the easiest and most effective ways to use magnesium to localize in on certain areas of pain, or discomfort. Read up on our ingredients here.

Did you know magnesium is responsible for over 300+ functions in your body? It's known as the chill pill mineral of the body. 

Magnesium is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in numerous biochemical processes throughout the body. Here's how magnesium works and its key functions:

  1. Enzyme Activation: Magnesium serves as a cofactor for hundreds of enzymes involved in various biochemical reactions. These enzymes play roles in energy metabolism, DNA synthesis, protein synthesis, and muscle function.

  2. Energy Production: Magnesium is a vital component of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), the primary energy currency of cells. ATP provides the energy necessary for cellular functions, and magnesium is required for ATP synthesis and its subsequent utilization by cells.

  3. Muscle Function: Magnesium is essential for proper muscle function. It helps regulate muscle contractions by acting as a calcium antagonist, meaning it opposes the effects of calcium, which is necessary for muscle contraction. Magnesium also contributes to muscle relaxation after contraction.

  4. Nervous System Function: Magnesium plays a role in nerve transmission and neuromuscular conduction. It helps regulate the activity of neurotransmitters, which are chemical messengers that transmit signals between nerve cells.

  5. Bone Health: Magnesium is a key component of bone tissue and is involved in bone metabolism. It helps regulate the activity of osteoblasts (cells responsible for bone formation) and osteoclasts (cells responsible for bone resorption), thereby contributing to bone health and density.

  6. Heart Health: Magnesium is important for maintaining normal heart rhythm and function. It helps regulate the electrical activity of the heart and is involved in the transport of ions across cell membranes, which is essential for proper cardiac function.

  7. Blood Pressure Regulation: Magnesium plays a role in blood pressure regulation by influencing vascular tone and endothelial function. It helps relax blood vessels, which can help lower blood pressure.

  8. Glucose and Insulin Metabolism: Magnesium is involved in glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity. It helps facilitate the transport of glucose into cells and is required for insulin secretion and action.

How can it work for you:

Anxiety & Stress Relief
Magnesium chloride plays a crucial role in regulating the nervous system, helping to calm anxiety and reduce stress levels. By increasing magnesium levels in the body, it can help manage cortisol levels, often referred to as the stress hormone, thereby promoting a sense of tranquility.

Gut Health & Digestion
Magnesium is essential for digestive health as it is involved in muscle relaxation throughout the digestive tract, which can alleviate constipation by improving bowel movement regularity. 

Insomnia & Healthy Sleep Patterns
Magnesium chloride can improve sleep quality and duration by regulating neurotransmitters involved in sleep cycles, including GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), which promotes relaxation and sleep. 

Muscle Spasms, Achy Joints & Muscle Recovery
For those with achy joints and muscles, magnesium chloride can provide relief by reducing inflammation and supporting muscle recovery, especially after physical activity.

Blood Pressure & Hormone Balance
Magnesium chloride can help lower blood pressure by relaxing the blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more freely and reducing stress on the cardiovascular system. 

Women’s Health
For women, magnesium chloride is particularly beneficial in alleviating menstrual cramps by relaxing the smooth muscles of the uterus and reducing the prostaglandins that cause period pain. 

Skin Health
Magnesium chloride can improve skin health by fighting inflammation and hydrating the skin, which is beneficial for conditions like eczema, psoriasis, and acne. Its antimicrobial properties can also help reduce body odor and promote the healing of wounds or skin irritations.

Circadian Rhythm Support: Adequate magnesium levels can help regulate the body's internal clock, ensuring a natural and healthy sleep-wake cycle, crucial for restorative sleep.

Soothes Growing Pains:
Magnesium's ability to relax muscles directly addresses the root cause of growing pains, providing immediate relief and comfort.

Improves Attention:
Magnesium contributes to the healthy development of the nervous system, enhancing neural connections that are vital for focus and cognitive processing.

Stress Reduction: Lower stress levels, thanks to magnesium's calming effects, can improve mental clarity and reduce distractions, fostering better concentration.

Alleviates Mood Swings:
Hormonal Balance: Magnesium aids in regulating hormones that affect mood, contributing to emotional stability and reducing the frequency of mood swings.

Neurotransmitter Regulation:

By influencing the activity of neurotransmitters, magnesium helps maintain a balanced mood, making emotional responses more manageable.

Reduces Hyperactive Behaviors:
Nervous System Calming: Magnesium's calming effect on the nervous system is key to reducing restlessness and hyperactivity, promoting a sense of calm and focus.

Ours comes in three sizes, great for all ages and travel! Check it out here.

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